Southern Lakes community-based salmon planning (2020)
A sociological, cultural, and scientific conversation between three Yukon First Nations regarding management of a precious resource, the Yukon River Chinook Salmon.
A project led by Dennis Zimmermann.
Project format: outdoor, in-person graphic recording. Large paper sheets setup on easel as no large walls were available.
Yukon Climate Change Adaptation Forum (March 2021)
A 2,5 days online workshop facilitated from Whitehorse, Yukon. The workshop's objective was to establish a conversation space between panelists and participants, young or old, new or experienced, junior or senior, to share wisdom, experience and knowledge with respect to the very present and urgent issue of climate change in the territory. Participants discussed what resilience, and more specifically Yukon resilience, meant to them in a 2021 context.
The Yukon’s Virtual Climate Change Adaptation Forum was a collaboration between the Council of Yukon First Nations, Yukon University, the Assembly of First Nations -Yukon Region, and the Government of Yukon.
Project format: live graphic recording on wall/paper, filmed during an online Zoom event. Snapshots of each panels were made available to the participants through the event website immediately at the end of each session.