Southern Lakes community-based salmon planning (2020)
A sociological, cultural, and scientific conversation between three Yukon First Nations regarding management of a precious resource, the Yukon River Chinook Salmon.
A project led by Dennis Zimmermann.
Project format: outdoor, in-person graphic recording. Large paper sheets setup on easel as no large walls were available.
Water quality fluctuations in the South McQuesten River, Yukon
Watershed map
This illustration represents the river from headwater to confluence and the impacts/sources of contaminants coming in. Changing contaminants concentrations along the river are represented, focusing on Zn and As.
Seasonal changes: Annual vs Long term
This illustration represents the changes in contaminant concentrations (Zn and As) at a specific location, but over time. Short term (month to month) and long term (over 10 years) evolution of factors such as turbidity are visually represented at a given location along the river, in response to natural (snow melt, forest fires) and man-related (placer mining) factors.