Southern Lakes community-based salmon planning (2020)
A sociological, cultural, and scientific conversation between three Yukon First Nations regarding management of a precious resource, the Yukon River Chinook Salmon.
A project led by Dennis Zimmermann.
Project format: outdoor, in-person graphic recording. Large paper sheets setup on easel as no large walls were available.
Yukon Virtual Geology
This project aims to increase Yukon educators’, students’, and citizens’ awareness of Yukon’s unique geology using online virtual geology field trips. These field trips serve to build public awareness of earth sciences and provide virtual access to remote locations and geological information in an engaging format.
Access The Yukon Virtual Geology portal HERE.
Illustration 1: Skarn formation in the Whitehorse Copper Belt

Illustration 2: The mining cycle

Illustration 2: Triassic fossils from the Whitehorse area
Monotis (bivalve)

Zygopleura (gastropod)


Scleratinian corals