Southern Lakes community-based salmon planning (2020)
A sociological, cultural, and scientific conversation between three Yukon First Nations regarding management of a precious resource, the Yukon River Chinook Salmon.
A project led by Dennis Zimmermann.
Project format: outdoor, in-person graphic recording. Large paper sheets setup on easel as no large walls were available.
World Water Day
March 2023
Live graphic recording and broadcasting on Facebook Live.
Each year World Water Day raises awareness of the two billion people living without access to safe water. The theme of World Water Day this year is accelerating change, to improve the water crisis and our relationship with waters across the globe. To celebrate World Water Day, the Water Resources Branch in the Department of Environment is pleased to be collaborating with the Beringia Centre to host this water dialogue. The talk today is all about water stewardship initiatives in the Yukon and a big theme for both presenters is how we can make sure Yukon First
Nation cultural values and perspectives are included in water stewardship work.​